Hands … Heavy, First, On, Under, Back …

Part 2 of 2 (see here for part 1)

There are quite a few idioms using the hand or hands. How many of these have you used?

At handOn hand
Out of handFirst hand
On one hand, and on the other handSecond hand
Lend a handBlood on your hand
Heavy handedSpeak to the hand
UnderhandedIn safe hands
Take law in your own handsTake life in your hands
Wash your hands of somethingKnow like the back of your hand
All hands on deckGet your hands dirty

Yesterday, I discussed keeping your eyes up, feet down in life. But we have two other dimensions … right hand out and left hand out. As we look at these two dimensions of life, it gives a well rounded life of our walk in the Lord.

The outstretched arms are critical, but the right vs. left is not part of the equation. Each arm being outstretched is making connections to people. Connections to other people is critical – we need each other. From the earliest days of man (Genesis) we see we need relationships. The wisdom literature of the Hebrew texts talks of relationships. The New Testament has a plethora of “One Another” passages that show how all believers are all part of the body of Christ, part of one building, one Church. And it also challenges us to be light and salt in the world – can’t do that without making human connections.

So let’s take two parts, since we have two hands.

FIRST – our outstretched arm number one is to embrace and stay connected to the family of God – Fellowship. Meeting together. Do not forsake the assembling together. Meeting house to house. And so on. Arm 1 — keep the family of God close. [[ FELLOWSHIP ]]

SECOND — our outstretched arm number two is to stay connected to the world. As we go into the world, share the love of Christ. God could have used many other ways (words from the mouths of donkeys with everyone, multiple burning bushes, still small voices in the storms, even visits from angelic beings … for examples). But He chose us. Our calling is to tell the world. Stretch out the second arm to connect with the world … to let them know the love of Christ. [[ WITNESS ]]

To do only one of the two dimensions is falling short for what we were created.

So dig in with both hands. And trust that God who has you in His hands – hands that nothing can get you out of.





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