We All Need a Hur

Who do you think of when I say, “Hur”? Father of the movie character … Ben Hur (Ben means son, descendent of)? Do you realize, they are not a lot of Hurs in history. SO if we all need one, why aren’t there more?

In the Hebrew Scriptures, aka Old Testament, there are several references to a man named Hur. Who is this man? Though some things are a bit foggy, we do know a few things …

  • he was a companion of Moses and Aaron and a trusted leader that Moses left in charge with Aaron when Moses went up the mountain.
  • yet, when Aaron made the golden calf, Hur’s name was not mentioned (which makes some believe Hur wasn’t agreeable in the rebellion).
  • he is a relative of Caleb (possible father or son, Hebrew could go either way)
  • he is the grandfather of Bazelel, who was the principle architect of the Tabernacle.
  • Rabbinic literature indicates he was the son of Miriam (thus Moses’s nephew)

And the point of this article …

  • he was one of the two that aided Moses (Uncle Moses?) and worked with Aaron (Uncle Aaron?) by holding Moses’s arms up during the Israelite’s battle with the Amalekites.

He held up Uncle M’s hands. Maybe even helped drag a rock over on which Uncle M sat. As long as Moses’s hands were lifted, the battle went for the Hebrews. So, when Moses got weary Aaron and Hur helped out.

When he got weary, Hur helped him out. And because of Hur, The Hebrews were victorious.

Turn your attention to TODAY …

Do you get weary? Does life get hard? Are you facing all these things yourself?

The answer to the first two questions are obviously “YES” but the answer to the third question is up to you. I hope the answer here is, “NO.” Too often though, it isn’t. Too often we face weariness, frustrations, exhaustion all alone.


I love walking … and often I do it alone. For a while, I had at least one trip on every trek. I even tried to fall early, that way I got it out of the way early. But this is not too safe. And in light of this, I remember Ecc. 4:10.

My friends thought about this verse too. Instead of assigning a ‘trail pal’ who would never know when I headed to the hills, they got me a mechanical friend – Black Diamond trekking poles. And amazingly, I’ve never fallen since then. Slipped, yes. Tripped, obviously. Hit the ground, nope.

Black Diamond trekking poles were my Hur.

But these aren’t enough. We need Hur’s … people who encourage, friends who lighten the load, a band of brothers that will lift us up when we fall. We need someone to help us.

NOT ENOUGH … We not only need Hurs, we need to be Hurs. We need to be there for others. We can be the one to lift up our friends arms, share strength to the weary, and peaceful vibes n the storm.

Who’s you Hur?

Whose Her are you?

Two Pop Culture Refernces

1 / Yesterday, I rewatched Tombstone. The two characters, Wyatt & Doc Holliday, were friends. Friends in deed. The movie is an action based western, a love story, an artistic historical retelling of life in the Old West … but it was a story of friends. Real friends.

2/ Which leads me to this song … words from Bruno Mars …

(Count on Me, Bruno Mars)





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